Do you want a show listing site for your city/state/region but you don't know where to start??? We built this site using Neocities. Neocities is rad because it is not-for-profit, open source, not powered by Amazon, and it provides lots of tutorials for anyone new to coding. The two of us who mainly code this site do so with a very basic knowledge (seriously, I haven't coded much beyond what I learned during my livejournal days), so if we can do it -- so can you. That being said, we would love to share our code with YOU in the form of a template. You can tweak it as you see fit -- maybe you only want to post flyers in the style of the Bay-Area's FlyerMire, or maybe you want to incorporate some sort of streaming music or some memes. Whatever you do, just send us a link so we can help promote it in our links section. Now for the templates...